1. How to get Facebook Chat on OS X Messages

    Published Tue, March 4, 2014 by JJ

    I use Facebook Messenger to talk to many of my friends, but I find it really annoying when I’m using the internet and working on other things as well to have to switch between the current window or tab and Facebook to be able to respond to anyone. It ...

    Tagged in: jabber, os-x, messages-app
  2. The importance of a good keyboard

    Published Thu, February 20, 2014 by JJ

    Something I have been thinking about a fair amount but sounds ridiculous to some people is the importance of a good keyboard. The more you work at computers and type, the more it matters. I think that programmers, being more tightly intertwined with the history of computing, probably have a ...

    Tagged in: keyboards, hackerschool
  3. Days 3-4: More algorithms, CTF, whoops

    Published Thu, February 13, 2014 by JJ


    Selection sort

    Just going through left to right, finding the new minimum of the unsorted items, and swapping it with the left most unsorted item.

    Insertion sort

    Going from left to right, and moving the leftmost unsorted item one item left at a time until we hit the beginning ...

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