I gave a Hacker School Seminar

Today at Hacker School, I gave a seminar entitled “Freelance and Travel for Fun and Profit,” talking about the year I spent traveling the world while supporting myself as a freelance programmer. I’ve long been meaning to write this up as both a series of blog posts and a full deck to present, so it was great to have the first opportunity to finally present on it. There was quite a bit of demand for it, and I actually gave the talk in the first place specifically because other Hacker Schoolers kept saying they’d love to learn more about what I did and how I did it.

For the time being, I’ll post some of the notes and such from the talk, and later I’ll post as a separate series more in-depth on the details of how to think about being a freelancer.

  • The Workflowy document with the notes I used to present the lecture can be found here.
  • The map of my travels throughout that time can be found here, courtsey of Travellerspoint.

It was a great experience giving a talk and getting excellent feedback on it, and it’s a very gratifying feeling to hear from people that you’ve helped reshape their thinking. Looking forward to delivering it again, a bit more refined, to those who missed it and to the alumni who wanted to come but were unable to attend.